Before you see us, you need to know these things about us.

Information Sheet


1.       This is a Christ Centered Program

2.       You must attend and be a part of a Church of your choice each week.

3.       We take residents who have already finished a “drug program” and are months sober and clean.

4.       We drug test.  If you fail, you are immediately evicted with no refund.  Zero tolerance.

5.       You must have a sponsor/mentor who speaks into your life! 

6.       There is a cost for Program Fee which includes bed, bathroom, use of kitchen facility and Case Worker. You provide all toiletries, bedding and necessary life supplies. Program fees are due on the 1st of each month. 

7.       You do your own cooking and cleaning.

8.       There is a Month to Month Evaluation. As long as you keep making your goals you can stay as long as you need.

9.       We start you off in a shared room and you can move into a single room when goals are achieved.

10.   You must go to meetings such as AA, NA, SA or Celebrate Recovery each week.

11.   There is no refund if you voluntarily leave or are asked to leave for violence, failed drug test or failure to comply to rules.

12.   YOU are accountable for setting goals and making progress reports.

13.   You must be saving money each month and show proof of your savings.

14.   You must volunteer somewhere on a regular basis.  “Give back” to your community.

15.  Upon enterance, you will sign a 12 page document which we will go over with you so you understand our rules and guidelines.  It is easier than it sounds.  However, you will know we "have rules of accountability". Let this be the contiuned help in moving away from your troubled past.